Scaredy Cat: Devlog 03/21/24

Blackout Bluff: Devlog 3/04/24
March 19, 2024
Scaredy Cat: Devlog 03/26/24
March 27, 2024
Blackout Bluff: Devlog 3/04/24
March 19, 2024
Scaredy Cat: Devlog 03/26/24
March 27, 2024

Devlog: Mar 21 2024

  • Snow

  • Clues

    Devlog: Clues, Customization and Winter Wonderland

    It's been a busy couple of days on Scaredy Cat filled with progress on various fronts.

    First up, I started implementation of a clue system to use in the levels. After getting in something pretty robust, I experimented with using the Dialogue System for Unity / Quest Machine to handle clues as an alternative approach, just to get more familiar with the tools. It's always good to explore different ways of implementing features.

    On the UI front, I spent time customizing and polishing various elements to really get the aestethic right for the game. Still a huge WIP but feels nice for things to be less ugly!

    Some early post-processing effects were experimented with and altered using the day/night manager to allow for more visual customization. It's amazing how much of a difference some subtle post-processing can make to the overall atmosphere.

    Speaking of atmosphere, I started laying the groundwork for a winter wonderland! I created a snowflake asset and material for use in a new particle system. It took a bit of tweaking, but I managed to get it looking just right. ❄️ The rain and snow effects look so distinct now.


    Hot Tips for Realistic Snow

    Make the particles shrink over time, add some noise to give them realistic sway, make it fall sloooowly

    On the audio side, I added some temporary music tracks to set the mood. The music tracks change when the player character moves areas, so it adds a lot of oomph.

    It's still a WIP for tomorrow, but I designed a basic teleportation system that I'll try to implement tomorrow. Also tried to fix some quest-related stuff. There's still some work to be done there, but progress is being made!

    All in all, it's been a productive past week with progress made on clues, UI, audio, visuals, and some underlying systems. Onwards and upwards! 🚀

    Until next time,